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Thursday, July 18, 2013

Data Structures and algorithms in C++ by Adam Drozdek Pdf Download | DATA STRUCTURES AND ALGORITHMS pdf download

Strengthen your understanding of data structures and their algorithms for the foundation you need to successfully design, implement and maintain virtually any software system. Theoretical, yet practical, DATA STRUCUTRES AND ALGORITHMS IN C++, 4E by experienced author Adam Drosdek highlights the fundamental connection between data structures and their algorithms, giving equal weight to the practical implementation of data structures and the theoretical analysis of algorithms and their efficiency. This edition provides critical new coverage of treaps, k-d trees and k-d B-trees, generational garbage collection, and other advanced topics such as sorting methods and a new hashing technique. Abundant C++ code examples and a variety of case studies provide valuable insights into data structures implementation. DATA STRUCTURES AND ALGORITHMS IN C++ provides the balance of theory and practice to prepare readers for a variety of applications in a modern, object-oriented paradigm.

Computer Algorithms C++   by   Ellis Horowitz, Sartaj Sahni, and Sanguthevar Rajasekaran pdf download | DATA STRUCTURES AND ALGORITHMS PDF Download

ISBN: 978-0-929306-41-4 (Pseudocode Version)
ISBN: 978-0-929306-42-1 (C++ Version)
The author team that established its reputation nearly twenty years ago with Fundamentals of Computer Algorithms offers this new title, available in both pseudocode and C++ versions. Ideal for junior/senior level courses in the analysis of algorithms, this well-researched text takes a theoretical approach to the subject, creating a basis for more in-depth study and providing opportunities for hands-on learning. Emphasizing design technique, the text uses exciting, state-of-the-art examples to illustrate design strategies.