Posted by btechebooks4u on 2:56 AM
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Software Project Management Free Ebook || Program Management-A System Approach Planning Scheduling And Controlling Free Download
This industry-leading project management "bible" aligns its streamlined approach to the latest release of the Project Management Institute's Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMI's PMBOK® Guide), the new mandatory source of training for the Project Management Professional (PMP®) Certificat-ion Exam. This outstanding edition gives students and professionals a profound understanding of project management with insights from one of the best-known and respected authorities on the subject.
From the intricate framework of organizational behavior and structure that can determine project success to the planning, scheduling, and controlling processes vital to effective project management, the new edition thoroughly covers every key component of the subject. This Tenth Edition features:
New sections on scope changes, exiting a project, collective belief, and managing virtual teams
More than twenty-five case studies, including a new case on the Iridium Project covering all aspects of project management
400 discussion questions
More than 125 multiple-choice questions
Posted by btechebooks4u on 2:45 AM
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Geographical Information Systems and Computer Cartography by Christopher B. Jones Free Download
A concise text presenting the fundamental concepts in Geographical Information Systems (GIS), emphasising an understanding of techniques in management, analysis and graphic display of spatial information.
Divided into five parts - the first part reviews the development and application of GIS, followed by a summary of the characteristics and representation of geographical information. It concludes with an overview of the functions provided by typical GIS systems. Part Two introduces co-ordinate systems and map projections, describes methods for digitising map data and gives an overview of remote sensing. Part Three deals with data storage and database management, as well as specialised techniques for accessing spatial data. Spatial modelling and analytical techniques for decision making form the subject of Part Four, while the final part is concerned with graphical representation, emphasising issues of graphics technology, cartographic design and map generalisation.
Posted by btechebooks4u on 2:36 AM
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Mobile Computing by Raj Kamal Download
Mobile Computing is designed to serve as a textbook for students in the disciplines of computer science and engineering, electronics and communication engineering, and information technology. It describes the basic concepts of mobile computing and provides technical information about the
various aspects of the subject as also the latest technologies that are currently in use. The first few chapters present a balanced view of mobile computing as well as mobile communication, including the 2G and 3G communication systems, mobile IP, and mobile TCP. The subsequent chapters provide a
systematic explanation of mobile computing as a discipline in itself. The book provides an in-depth coverage of databases in mobile systems, methods of data caching, dissemination and synchronization, Bluetooth, IrDA and ZigBee protocols, data security, mobile ad hoc and wireless sensor networks,
and programming languages and operating systems for mobile computing devices. Written in an easy-to-understand and student-friendly manner, the book includes several illustrative examples and sample codes. A comprehensive set of exercises is included at the end of each chapter
Posted by btechebooks4u on 1:40 AM
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Neuro-fuzzy and soft computing:
a computational approach to learning and machine intelligence
Neuro-Fuzzy Modeling and Soft Computing places particular emphasis on the theoretical aspects of covered methodologies, as well as empirical observations and verifications of various applications in practice. Neuro-Fuzzy Modeling and Soft Computing is oriented toward methodologies that are likely to be of practical use. It includes exercises, some of which involve MATLAB programming tasks to provide readers with hands-on programming experiences for practical problem-solving. Each chapter also includes a reference list to the research literature so that readers may pursue topics in greater depth. This book is suitable as a self-study guide by researchers who want to learn basic and advanced neuro-fuzzy and soft computing within the framework of computational intelligence.
Posted by btechebooks4u on 5:40 AM
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Introduction to Computational Molecular Biology -Setubal & Meidanis Free Download
Computational biology applies the power of computers to large, complex mathematical problems arising in molecular biology, especially in DNA sequencing. Setubal and Meidanis provide an overview of algorithms for computational biology as well as basic information regarding major problems. Readers interested in a particular problem will find background material on molecular biology, definition of key terms, descriptions of models, and a full sample of algorithmic results. Key theoretical computer science concepts are emphasized, such as the improvement in asymptotic running time with better algorithms, the contrast between heuristics and an algorithm with guarantees, and the difficulty posed by NP-complete problems.
Posted by btechebooks4u on 5:07 AM
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Software Testing Principles and Practice Free Download
Software Testing: Principles and Practices is a complete guide on this area of Computer Science, and it covers both the theoretical and practical aspects of testing, as well as new developments in the field. The contents of the book cover the principles of testing, life cycle models for software development, test management metrics and automation, and the different types of testing. The book covers popular testing methods like Performance Testing, System and Acceptance Testing, White Box, Black Box, and Ad Hoc Testing. Apart from this, it also provides in-depth knowledge on specialized testing methods such as Object-Oriented Systems and Usability Testing and Accessibility Testing. A key feature of this book is that it recognises common issues faced by companies in terms of people management, geographically dispersed teams, and varying company business models, and addresses these problems in a unit titled People and Organisational Issues in Testing.
Srinivasan Desikan is a renowned Indian technologist and professor. He has been working in the field of software testing since 1989. After graduating in Computer Applications from Pondicherry Engineering College, he has worked with software giants like HP, Wipro Infotech, and C-DOT. He has been a part of testing and product development teams at various companies, and specializes in test infrastructure, team-building, test management, and test automation. Professor Desikan received the Test Thought Leadership Award for his contribution to the field of testing. Gopalaswamy Ramesh is a professor and international consultant. After completing his BE and MS from IISc-Bangalore and IIT-Madras, he pursued Engineering Management at Stanford University. He has more than 30 years of teaching experience, and has worked with the International Institute of Information Technology in Bangalore (IIIT-B), IIM-Bangalore, and SSN School of Management and Computer Applications. His book Managing Global Software Projects won a National Award. Another book that he has written is The ACE of Soft Skills: Attitude, Communication and Etiquette for Success.
Posted by btechebooks4u on 4:27 AM
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Real Time Systems: Theory and Practice by Rajib Mall -Pearson Education, 2007-Free Download
Real-time systems are becoming increasingly important they are often so embedded that we fail to notice them even while interacting with them.
An important characteristic of real-time systems is that their correctness is time- dependent. Examples of such systems range from safety-critical ones, such as nuclear reactors and automotive controllers, to entertainment software such as games and graphics animations.
The growing importance of real-time systems has made it a core area for computer science, electronics and communication, as well as electrical engineering students.
This book is designed to serve as a textbook for both graduate and post-graduate level courses on real-time systems. It can also serve as a reference for practising engineers.
Thorough coverage of real-time databases, operating systems and communications
Concepts explained through real-life applications
Numerous worked-out examples and practice problems
Real-Time Task Scheduling
Handling Resource Sharing and Dependencies among Rael-Time Tasks
Scheduling Real-Time Tasks in Multiprocessor and Distributed Systems
Commercial Real-Time Operating Systems
Real-Time Communication
Real-Time Databases.
read : link1
Posted by btechebooks4u on 3:58 AM
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Electronic Commerce -Gary P Schneider -Thomson Learning
E-commerce continues to have a dramatic impact on virtually every aspect of business. And following the Global Economic Crisis, its role is even more critical. Packed with the most cutting-edge coverage available, ELECTRONIC COMMERCE, 9e equips students with a solid understanding of the dynamics of this fast-paced industry. It delivers comprehensive coverage of emerging online technologies and trends and their influence on the electronic commerce marketplace. By detailing how the landscape of online commerce is evolving, this market-leading text reflects changes in the economy and how business and society are responding to those changes. Balancing technological issues with the strategic business aspects of successful e-commerce, the new edition includes expanded coverage of international issues, social networking, mobile commerce, Web 2.0 technologies, and updates on spam, phishing, and identity theft.
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Posted by btechebooks4u on 3:32 AM
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Ravi Kalakota and Marcia Robinson, "e-Business : Roadmap for Success", Addison
In e-Business 2.0, Ravi Kalakota and Marcia Robinson present a survey of how the processes of business have changed as a result of computer-assisted communications, data storage, and data analysis. They explain recent technological advances--and those that may take place in the near and middle future--and explain how companies that sell products and services might put them to profitable use. With an emphasis on companies that sell things to large numbers of consumers, the authors argue convincingly that information technology isn't an end in itself, but a tool that can facilitate valuable changes in business processes.
This is a book for managers and organizational planners, but it commits none of the sins typical of such books. It neither oversimplifies technical matters nor serves as a mere platform for catchy phrases and obtuse illustrations. e-Business 2.0 is properly focused on the big technologies on which successful companies will capitalize. Kalakota and Robinson argue that it's a good idea to supplement live salespeople with self-service sales facilities, such as those on a Web site. They call this a part of selling-chain management.
The authors also explain how inefficiencies in the selling chain can make it prohibitively expensive to provide built-to-order products, which consumers increasingly want. They then present solutions: Internet and customer relationship management (IRM and CRM) software, sales automation systems, and proposal-automation tools. In each case, they cite specific examples (usually companies and products), enabling readers to dig deeper into specifics if they want. Similar attention goes to enterprise resource planning (ERP), trend-spotting tools, and half a dozen other technologies. Read this guide as you think about how to make strategic changes in your company's operating practices. --David Wall
Topics covered: Recent developments in technology that change the way companies do business, particularly in terms of determining and fulfilling customers' needs and interacting smoothly with vendors. More broadly, this book deals with sharing information efficiently among all relevant parties inside and outside an organization. Technologies covered: Internet sales infrastructures, customer relationship management (CRM) suites, enterprise resource planning (ERP) software, knowledge management tools, and data warehousing and analysis products.
"This book is a must-read for any company who has not completely re-invented itself since the Internet exploded onto the business world a few years ago." -- Alan Taetle, Former Executive Vice President of MindSpring and General Partner of the Venture Capital Firm, Noro-Moseley Partners
"This is the best book on e-Business for the decision-maker. It provides a great overview of the e-Business landscape." -- Andrew B. Whinston, Hugh Cullen Chair Professor of Information Systems, Economics and Computer Science, Graduate School of Business, University of Texas
"This is the book for creating a serious e-Business strategy. A must-read for managers who are creating tomorrow's e-business companies today." -- Dr. Frances Frei, Assistant Professor, Harvard Business School
"This is the first book on e-Business to combine a clarity of vision that will help you to appreciate the true significance of e-Business, with a rigorous roadmap for reinventing your business design. If you want to avoid being blindsided by your competition, you must make this book required reading in your organization." -- Mohanbir Sawhney, Tribune Professor of Electronic Commerce and Technology, Kellogg Graduate School of Management, Northwestern University
"e-Business is the first book I have read which captures in any depth the full spectrum of business processes that are being re-defined and improved by leveraging the Internet and its associated technologies. Equally important, it relates these re-defined processes to underlying business objectives and benefits. This book is going stimulate a lot of thinking in corporate boardrooms and executive suites." -- David M. Alschuler, Vice President, e-Business and Enterprise Applications, Aberdeen Group, Inc.
"e-Business: Roadmap for Success provides unique insight into the emerging electronic business place. Economies around the world are undergoing a wholesale rejuvenation; businesses are re-inventing themselves. In this new economy, the Internet and technologies like the Java platform have helped businesses streamline business processes, have helped companies compete in new ways and have engendered all together new types of business opportunities. It's clear we're on the cusp of a new era. e-Business: Roadmap for Success serves as a guidebook to the new electronic business place where the rules of engagement are changing and where only one thing is certain: the status quo will not be maintained." -- Dr. Alan Baratz, President, Java Software, Sun Microsystems, Inc. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title. courtesy